The Parliamentarian

Pinnacle Classical Pinnacle Classical

Catechism Pt. 1

The word “catechism” may elicit visions of dry, rote recitation of old sayings that are disconnected from life today. Some readers may think of catechism as lidocaine for the brain, inducing numbness of thought and profuse boredom-ridden drooling as students murmur like zombies in the classroom. A student whose heart and mind are ill-prepared will not truly benefit from catechism. The students at Pinnacle Classical Academy though are being trained up in the admonition of the Lord through this wonderful tool for remembering the most foundational truths of our existence.

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Pinnacle Classical Pinnacle Classical


Pinnacle Classical Academy is proud to open a new avenue of communication to those who have any interest in our school. We are a school founded on classical Christian education. We will produce much more content regarding this educational model, but for now I will begin with the heart of it. Our desire is to fulfill a goal that exists in all of Christendom but especially in the education of children: namely, the desire to seek, receive, and share wisdom.

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