
Acquiring Knowledge

The grammar stage utilizes young children’s natural ability to memorize things quickly, and “grammar” does not mean language and syntax. “Grammar” refers to the building blocks of each area of knowledge: animal and plant classifications, basic math facts, core Latin vocabulary, etc. These key areas of knowledge equip the students with the tools they need as they enter into the later stages of their education. The memorization is not stale or lifeless. It includes songs, movements, chants, games, and other fun activities to engage mind, body, and soul. This stage of learning includes narrative history, cursive, phonics, literature, science, art, and more!

“Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

What’s Next?

As students move into grade seven, they enter the logic stage. At this phase, students seek understanding as they begin to argue, debate, and connect the facts they’ve acquired.

Students begin the rhetoric phase at grade ten. Here they gain wisdom as we teach them how to communicate their understanding in ways that are thoughtful and edifying.